TrustPass profile

On-site check

The supplier's company premises have been checked by staff to verify on-site operations exist. A third-party verification company has confirmed the legal existence of the supplier.Learn more about the third-party verification agencyChinadaas.Onsite Checked Liability Disclaimer.About Verification Services

Verified information checked on-site

Verification type:
Third-party verification service provider
Business license:
  • Registration No. : 1984 / 007215 / 07
  • Company Name : WANG ON FIBRES (PTY) LTD
  • Date of Issue :
  • Date of Expiry :
  • Registered Capital :
  • Country/Territory : South Africa
  • Registered address : 31 Van Eck Street Chamdor, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa Zip: 1754
  • Year Established : 19840716
  • Legal Representative :
  • Legal Form :